I introduce you to AlTonya Washington. AlTonya is the author of twelve novels, three ebooks and one nonfiction ebook. After
you read more about AlTonya, I hope you’ll support her and purchase her novels.
Can you tell us a little bit
about yourself? I wear many hats, daughter, sister,
friend, significant other, librarian, author and most importantly MOM!!!
Reading, writing, movie watching are a few of my favorite things- I love to
cook- but rarely have the time to really get down with it anymore.
What do you do when you are not
writing? Reading!! Going to the movies when I
can. I spend a lot of time with my son-who I think will be a big movie buff. We
adore the superhero genre (is that a genre?) At any rate, I love spending time
with him and I just generally try anything that will help me relax my
brain-these characters are always talking to me J
Do you ever experience writer’s
block? (Thanking God and knocking on wood) No.
How did you choose the genre you write in and what’s the genre? I
write in the romance genre (contemporary, historical and erotica). My reading
tastes are expansive, but when I discovered the romance genre at age 13, I was
hooked. After college, I realized I wanted more out of the romances I adored. I
wanted more characters that looked like me. I couldn’t find them, so I decided
to write my own.
Where do you get your ideas? From
all over the place. I can hear a phrase that generates an entire idea. I was
taking a drive last month and passed a row of trees planted in such a way they
made this beautiful path along the interstate- I wondered about people who work
in the logging and milling businesses and wondered what sort of family they’d
be…got an idea for a possible saga later down the line…
Is anything in your books based on real life experiences or
purely all imagination? No- so far it’s all imagination. Bits and pieces of
characters mind sets and such may be based faintly on someone I know but that’s
about as far as it has gone.
Which book did you enjoy the most writing and why? Wild Ravens. My
first historical- until then, I had never read an historical featuring AA
characters although I adore the historical romance genre. I had the best time
researching and finding basis for the story I wanted to create. Setting the
story in Haiti, Dominica, Cuba…it was wonderful discovering those places and
crafting the characters there.
Did you have any challenges getting your first book
published? Well I had no idea what I was doing. I sort of taught
myself, researching for the best house to send it and then teaching myself the
proper way to prepare a submission package. The waiting was a beast so that in
itself was a major challenge. I wouldn’t trade that time for anything-I learned
so much.
Tell us about your current novel? My most recent
release is with my traditional publishing house Harlequin. I write for the
Kimani Romance line and I’ve just released Provocative Territory which features
Elias Joss and Clarissa David. Elias comes from a long line of playboys and
Clarissa is the image of his father’s former mistress. Turns out that Clarissa
is the woman’s niece. Elias is determined to fight his attraction for Clarissa,
impossible when Elias’s construction company is handling the redesign the
gentleman’s clubs owned by Clarissa’s aunt. Equally impossible when Elias can’t
fight Clarissa’s alluring disposition and her effortless ability to intrigue
How can readers contact you? They can find me all over the place. Here are my Twitter,
Facebook, GoodReads links and website address.
I like to throw in one wacky
question. J
Be honest how often do you wash your
hair? Once
a week. (I may skip a week if going to see my stylist!)
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